Action without Attachment

There are so many distractions in life that can keep us from our practice and yet we know there are endless benefits to stepping on the mat. Most of us expect that if we work hard we might get something in return - meaning there is something to show for the hard work - i.e. recognition in some way, a trophy, a raise/promotion, a thank you card, etc. Or, if we are injured we expect to heal quickly because we follow doctors' orders. However, you know when you show up for your practice you won’t necessarily “attain” anything. As we practice next week the goal will be the EFFORT!


After practicing yoga for over 16 years and teaching for ~6 years I can honestly say that pausing to take a breath is still something I work on to this day. Every time I practice yoga I am reminded about the gift of my breath - its sound and rhythm and how it teaches my body to slow down and listen. My job is to guide you through the postures but the true teacher is the breath.